'Postcards Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels', by Bernard Jan [BOOK REVIEW]

'Postcards Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels', by Bernard Jan

Title: Postcards from Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels

Author: Bernard Jan

Genre: Poetry

Language: English

Publisher: Self-published

Publication Date: 20 March 2022

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ /4

Link to buy the book!

Thank you to the author for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. 

'Postcards Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels' is a poetry book written by Bernard Jan. This book talks about Michael Daniels, the main character in the author's Cruel Summer book. In this book, 'Postcards Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems by Michael Daniels', we can read how Michael feels and experiences some things that have happened to him during his life.

"If I send you a postcard

will you thank me for it?"

I was genuinely bewitched by the author's writing. I found it fascinating, so descriptive and so symbolic. (This book is filled with symbolism 一clouds, New York, the Sun, wings, sea一.). It is a book of textures and feelings, colors and shades. The author captures the very emotion that lies behind every thought and feeling of the character so perfectly illustrated in the shape of words and verses. As I said before, I loved the writing, and I consider that the way the author describes emotions is one of the best I have ever read, personally speaking.

The poems talk about Michael's weaknesses, desires, hopes, personal experiences, and his mental estate of mind. Michael Daniels is a skateboarder, and talks about his experiences with sports, his life in the city, the darkness and light in his life, the relationships he has/had, his memories,... 

The poems are written with elegance and sentiment

Although I have not read Cruel Summer, and because of this I do not know well enough Michael, the protagonist, I have known him a bit through the words that filled the pages of this book 'Postcards Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels'. After reading it, I do recommend you to read the book before you start this one (but you can read this one independently if you wish, you'll love it). 

This book talks about many themes: darkness, light, pain, hope, desires, love, faith, life, death.

I highly recommend you to read this book. If you love poetry as much as I do (I am a huge fan of poetry, and I do write a bit), I'm pretty sure you'll love this book. Also, and I've said before, I do recommend you to read Cruel Summer too if you wish to know more about Michael before you start reading 'Postcards Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels'

I hope you had a great weekend, and I hope you all the best in this new, upcoming week. I wanted to post more reviews this week but I couldn't due to personal and health reasons. 

Have a great day! 


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