'Song of Echoes', by R. E. Palmer [BOOK REVIEW]

'Song of Echoes', by R. E. Palmer

Title: Song of Echoes

Author: R. E. Palmer

Genre (s): Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, Fiction

Language: English

Publisher: FrontRunner Publications

Publication Date: 5th July 2021

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ /4

Link to buy it!

Thank you to the author for sending me an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 

'Song of Echoes' is an epic, adult fantasy book about old legends, politics and magic. We follow two PoVs: Elodi, and Toryn, while we're immersed quickly in a magical ambience, surrounded by politics. 

Synopsis: For three hundred years, the people of the Five Realms have lived in relative peace, protected by their great leader, the Archon. Yet, far to the north, in the frozen lands beyond the Draegalen Trench, the Ruuk stir, driven by a rising evil, long believed banished from the world. But rumors questioning the Archon’s ability to defend the realms once more, persist.

Elodi, the Lady Harlyn, uneasy in her new role following the death of her father, and Toryn, a farmworker and outsider in his village, must discover a way to fight an enemy that all but defeated their ancestors.

A tale of magic, myths and politics filling the pages of this fantasy book that lets you wishing to know more about the story and its characters. 

I've enjoyed a lot this book! It's so addictive! You cannot put it down. I loved the scenes, how the author writes, and the characters. I have to say that I loved Elodi's scenes more than any other character, I've enjoyed her scenes more than of any other character.

In addition, the depth of the characters builds itself slowly along the pages; and the epic way of telling an epic story, so thrilling! The beautiful quotes that I have found in this book are beyond words. I cannot describe them: you have to read them. The descriptions are artistic and poetic, I really enjoyed them. 

I highly recommend you to read this book! 

Until the next post! ♡


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